Skelbimai - Pramogos, Paslaugos, darbas, Nekilnojamasis turtas, Komunikacijos, Technika, Transportas, Kompiuterija, Auginantiems vaikus, Drabužiai, avalynė, Buitis

Šis skelbimas nebegalioja.

Sulauk daugiau dėmesio, siųsk SMS numeriu 1398 su tekstu:

Paslauga SMS tekstas Laikotarpis Kaina
Sulauk daugiau dėmesio,
paryškindamas skelbimą
SK01 7508 8 dienos 0,29 €
Parduok greičiau,
iškeldamas skelbimą į sąrašo viršų.
SK02 7508 8 dienos 0,29 €
Išskirtinis papildomas skelbimo talpinimas pačiame projekto viršuje VIP zonoje. SK03 7508 5 dienos 0,58 €

Po sėkmingo paslaugos aktyvavimo, Jūsų skelbimas iškarto taps geriau matomas projekto lankytojams tarp visų kitų skelbimų.

Computer Repair in Vilnius, Fabijoniškės, Šeškinė

We perform high quality multifunctional repairs of all desktop (stationary) and laptop (notebook) computers and provide warranty for the carried out services.

Services that we provide:

Preparation of new computers for work
Installation and re-installation of the operating systems: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
Installation of additional software
Data recovery from corrupted hardware
Removal of viruses and spyware programs
Cleaning computer cooling system
Computer dust cleaning and re-application
Insertion of additional RAM operative memory
Repair and sell keyboards, batteries, chargers
Repair damaged computer hardware
Repair motherboards
Repair power supply circuits
Replacement of broken sockets (USB, AUDIO, MIC, LAN, HDMI)
Replacement of broken screens (matrices)
Repair/replace broken parts
Repair/replace old video chips
Remotely install applications, solve troubleshooting issues (TeamViewer)
Other types of repairs
Buy up computers (may be defective)

We work professionally providing the best quality service for our clients.

For those living in Vilnius there are also the possibilities to either ask for the computer technician to come to your house and repair the computer or to take and repair a defective device in our workshop and return it after repair.

We write invoices


Vilnius, Stanevičiaus Str. 32a, Fabijoniškės
(Shopping Center "KUBAS")

Working hours:
I-V: 10:00 – 18:30
VI: 11:00 – 15:00
VII - Can be arranged by telephone

Tel. 8 636 43 321

Computer repair in fabijoniškės, computer repair in šeškinė, repair of computers in Vilnius, repair of computers in fabijoniškės, computer repair in šeškinė, repair of computers in Vilnius, repair of computers in fabijoniškės, computer repair in Vilnius, Vilnius, PC repair in fabijoniškės, PC repair in šeškinė, PC repair in Vilnius, windows reinstallation in fabijoniškės, windows reinstallation in šeškinė, reinstall windows in Vilnius, reinstall windows in fabijoniškės šeškinė, install windows in fabijoniškės šeškinė, windows in fabijoniškės, install windows in šeškinė, windows install in fabijoniškės, windows install in šeškinė, windows install in vilnius, windows install in fabijoniškės, repair of laptops and mobile phones in fabijoniškės, repair of laptops in Vilnius, Replacement of broken screens in Vilnius, Replacement of broken screens in fabijoniškės, Replacement of broken laptop screens in šeškinė, computer restore, computer repair shop, thermal paste replacement, cooling system cleaning, replace computer parts, computer parts replacement, installation of open office, libre office, WPS office, data recovery, buying up computers, laptop keyboard replacement, computer repair technician, fresh install, clean install on new computer, speed up computer, faster pc, notebook, cheap computer repair, cheap PC repair, cheap laptop repair, cheap notebook repair, computer tower, desktop, overheating pc, computer hangs up, freezing, freezes, lagging, IT services, computer restore, fixing computers, computer fix, fix your pc, pc fixing service, how to repair, how to fix, charging port, not charging, display error, computer help, slow computer problem.
Kaina: 1 EUR
Vietovė: Vilnius

Pagrindiniai skelbimo duomenys



El. paštas: info eta
Telefonas: 863643321
Adresas: Staneviciaus g. 32a, Fabijoniškes, "Kubas"


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